Matous Konecny was born in 1569 in Straznice, in the Bohemian district of Moravia, where he attended and finished his basic school education. Afterwards he studied in Wittenberk. He was ordained a priest in 1596 and became a member of the Provincial board of the Unity of the Brethern. At that time, he administered a congregation in Tuchomerice near the capital Prague, from where he also managed to govern a large church community in Prague. He was appointed the administrator of a church congregation in Mlada Boleslav in 1609, as well as, he was elected a bishop of the Unity of the Brethern. Apart from the work in the large Mlada Boleslav congregation, as a bishop he also had to supervise and take care of the church communities in Central and Eastern Bohemia. He died on February 8 in 1622 in Brandys nad Orlici.