Archiv Matouše Koneèného


The set of rules of the Unity of the Brethren ordered detailed records to be kept of all the things that the Brethren households were equipped with. The inventories were checked during visitations, but particularly when passing the churches on to newly appointed administrators so that it could be found out “whether the household goods are not wasted when leaving the house." In the inventories one can find a detailed list of worship tools, books, textiles, furniture, dishes and various utensils and other supplies necessary for managing a household, farming the fields or for plying one’s trade. Stocking rates, a quantity of harvest and re-sown grain were presented in the inventories, too.

Undated "list of things belonging to Christ in Brandys nad Orlici."
Undated "list o...
The list of
The list of "pewter and brass dishes, copper pots and iron utensils" in the inventory of the congregation in Brandys nad Orlici.
The list of "pe...
The list of
"The list of common things belonging to the congregation in Krchleby" from 1609 with annotations of the Bishop Konecny.
"The list of co...
"The register of common things of the Brethren house in Lanskroun."
"The register o...
The front page of the register of the church community in Rychnov nad Kneznou.
The front page of the register of the church community in Rychnov nad Kneznou.
The front page ...
The front page of the register of the church community in Rychnov nad Kneznou.
Household articles of the Brethren house in Usti nad Orlici from 1606.
Household articles of the Brethren house in Usti nad Orlici from 1606.
Household artic...
Household articles of the Brethren house in Usti nad Orlici from 1606.
“The list of common things in Zamberk
“The list of common things in Zamberk" from 1614.
“The list of co...
“The list of common things in Zamberk